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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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January 12, 2018

Age Friendly: Come In and Rest Scheme Set to Launch

Come In and Rest, a scheme inspired by cities such as Nottingham and Manchester, and led by the Age Friendly Charter Steering Group, will officially launch on Thursday 25 January.

The project encourages local businesses and organisations to offer a seat to any older person who might need one when they are out and about. 

Participating businesses will have a sticker in their window so that older people passing by know it is an age-friendly business where they can catch their breath for a moment without any obligation to buy something (though they may do so anyway, of course). 

When people are worried about not being able to sit down, they can lose their confidence to go out at all. The Come In and Rest scheme will help demonstrate that Leeds is committed to being a great city to grow old in. 

Nottingham launched their scheme in 2016 and have over 300 businesses signed up. 

We are starting in Moortown and will be coming to your neighbourhood soon. How many can Leeds get? To sign up or get involved, please contact Emily Axel on or 0113 244 1697.