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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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August 20, 2018

Introducing… S.E.L.F.: South and East Leeds Friends

Through Time to Shine’s most recent round of commissioning Leeds Mind are launching an exciting new project called South East and Leeds Friendship, or SELF.

Leeds Mind has a well-established befriending service that provides support to people who are socially isolated and experiencing difficulties with their mental health. Demand for this service very much outweighs capacity, and changes in funding criteria puts an even greater strain on capacity.

They will adapt their already successful befriending model to engage with older people and introduce wider wellbeing support, such as social and skills groups. Participants will be able to choose and lead their own activity and type of engagement, be it through individual connections or group activities.

The project will apply asset based community development (ABCD) approaches they know work from previous experience to build on the competencies and strengths (and resources) of the involved communities; and connect older people to wider networks and contacts, through:

  • Social support to build confidence to get out of the house and meet other people (by staff or volunteers/ peer buddies)
  • Signposting to and support to attend existing local community groups
  • Attending befriending and/or social groups – skills focused and peer support
  • Support to individuals who are wanting to develop community groups for over 50s
  • On going support to people delivering their own social activities.

If you know anyone who might want to get involved, please get in touch with Emily Jayes:
0113 387 6380